Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 Ways to Stop Negative Self-talk and Live Yourself a Life!

7 Ways to Stop Negative Self-talk and Live Yourself a Life!

Each day we are bombarded with information that creates fear and uncertainty. Each day, we face and overcome negative experiences that lead to negative self-talk which serves to diminish self-esteem and fuel emotional disorders like depression. Living day to day can be difficult when we seem to have so little control over what happens to us. But it is possible to protect our emotional system and stop negative self-talk that threatens our quality of life, even before it begins.

If we could live in the moment, paying attention to the little things, our lives would be happy and organized. With a few rules, daily practice, and a sense of forgiveness, we can achieve happiness and live a purposeful life. Seven practices for living a purposeful life include:

1. Fulfill basic needs.

We are born with basic needs that must be fulfilled, but we also have wants. Infomercials, advertisements, and commercials keep us wishing and working for more than we need. Keeping up with others is never easy, but this is something we can control. Decide what you need and fulfill those needs. The rest is unnecessary. Excessive lifestyles do not guarantee happiness, and in many instances, extravagant living destroys happiness. Establish a boundary between what you want and what you need.

2. Get organized.

Keeping everything in its place keeps your mind free to solve problems or to be more creative. Nothing spoils creativity or destroys peace of mind like unfinished business. Clutter reminds you of unfinished business. Take time to organize your belongings and schedule activities for the day.

3. Complete one thing at a time.

Make housework a form of meditation and breathe life into whatever you touch.  Schedule chores like you schedule your work day, and complete first things first, one step at a time. Each day, plan to complete only one chore but no more than two.

4. Live one day at a time.

Tomorrow is not promised, so live your best life today. Complete chores and daily activities with a sense of mindfulness, paying attention to details such as color, texture, sounds, smells, and taste. Walk through the world like you belong exactly where you are at any given moment in time, and know that you have a reason for being here on this day.

5. Smile and acknowledge others.

The shortest distance between two people is a smile, something which is meant to give away. Smiling at others causes them to spontaneously smile at you. Your smile can only be observed by others or by looking into a mirror, and who has a mirror to spare? Smiling serves a purpose that has nothing to do with you.

6. Take time to reflect and connect with your emotions. 

People who stifle their feelings get stuffed up. Sit, reflect on your experiences during the day, and express your emotions. All
experiences can become learning opportunities if you look hard enough. Write about experiences and how they made you feel. Stay in touch with your emotions through reflecting and writing.
7. Find gratitude and forgive your mistakes.

Find someone you can talk to during the day or at the end of each day, even if it’s your diary or writing journal. Express yourself, tap into your emotions, and find something to be grateful for at the end of each day.
You are human, so mistakes will happen, but at the end of each day, remember to forgive your mistakes. 
                                       - Emme H. Johnson

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