Monday, September 22, 2014

10 Commandments of Failure


10 Commandments of Failure


1. Thou shalt ignore similarities and differences in self and others.

2. Thou shalt ruminate on past mistakes and forget that "to err, is human."

3. Thou shalt always take it personal when others betray or persecute thou.

4. Thou shalt hide thy talents in order to fit in or gain acceptance.

5. Thou shalt ignore empathy, forgiveness, and the power of love.

6. Thou shalt not change thy mind or disappoint someone.

7. Thou shalt do unto others before they do unto thou.

8. Thou shalt firmly believe whatever "happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

9. Thou shalt ignore the power of integrity.

10. Thou shalt not believe in a spiritual higher power.

(c) M.D. Johnson (2014)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

What I learned about listening

What I learned about listening

When you don't listen, I feel I am boring.
When you don't listen, I wonder what you are thinking.
When you don't listen, I feel disheveled and unkempt.
When you don't listen, I want to comb my hair.

When you don't listen, I wonder who you'd prefer to see.
When you don't listen, I feel your mind is made up about me.
When you don't listen, I feel you don't care what I think.
When you don't listen, I feel you don't care what I have to say.
When you don't listen, I doubt you could understand.
When you don't listen, I feel marginalized.
When you don't listen, I feel unappealing.

When you don't listen, I feel undermined.
When you don't listen, I feel incompetent.
When you don't listen, I feel invisible.
When you don't listen, I feel threatened.
When you don't listen, I feel disrespected.
When you don't listen, I feel isolated and alone.

When you don't listen, I get a stomach ache.
When you don't listen, I want to eat a bag of chips.
When you don't listen, I want to drink something bad.
When you don't listen, I want to run and hide.
When you don't listen, my brain plays tricks on me.
When you don't listen, I believe negative thoughts.
When you don't listen, I doubt that you care.

When you don't listen, I think you dislike me.
When you don't listen, I'm scared to look in your eyes.
When you don't listen, I want to make you see me,
    so I think of passive-aggressive ways 

                            to erase you.

But...when you listen and look me in the eyes
    I feel inspired.

    I feel interesting.
    I learn more about myself.
    I feel good about myself.
    I feel more secure knowing I have something to give.   
When you listen, I learn more about you, too.
When you listen, I think you find me intriguing.

When you listen, I think you're beautiful.

(c) M.D. Johnson (2014)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Procrastinators are always at the end of the line, and it could be considered an act of self-sabotage.


Procrastinators are always at the end of the line and it could be considered an act of sabotage.

Procrastinators are always at the end of the line, and in a world where the early bird gets the worm, it could be considered a self-sabotaging behavior.  It's not cool to arrive "fashionably late" in life-or-death situations or when something important is at stake, but people do it, and complain when they don't succeed. Another name for such behavior? Self-sabotage. Procrastination can be considered an act of self-sabotage. No matter how perfect your world seems to be, procrastination is a sign that all is not well, and there is a  weakness somewhere in your emotional life. If you are a procrastinator, maybe this will help.

(c) M.D. Johnson (2014)