Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Was Steve Harvey overwhelmed by the job of promoting sexuality or distracted by the youth, sexiness and novelty of the contestants?

Sex sells, but this is because sex is advertised more in the media than anywhere else. People hired to deliver the news are delivering notions of sexuality and sexiness whenever they get the chance but ironically, those speaking on the topic are the least sexy. They present video clips or snippets of information that take us away from the mundane. As long as our attention is focused on something new, we can be manipulated into believing, almost against our will, and buying whatever is advertised.

We need to stop the vicarious thrill-seeking and put the sexy back in sex, making it something more subtle and special, but as long as people watch advertisements and video clips like they care, ignoring someone sitting next to them in the living room, and as long as sexual innuendo sells, we will be manipulated into vicarious sexual imaginings based on television, magazines, and the media hype, feeling fulfilled by the concept of novelty and thrills.

Statistics show we are less interested in personal relationships for a multitude of reasons, but one of the reasons is that the brain craves new and different things. If something becomes too commonplace, the brain loses interest. People are attracted to difference because the brain seeks novelty. When you factor in our desire for novelty and our boredom with sexuality because it has become too accessible and ordinary, what is the expected outcome?  Cheating is the first thing that comes to mind. It's different, it's new, it's sexual, and the risky nature of it all seems very attractive.

I wish the media hype around sexuality would just go away. I watched and listened to Steve Harvey announcing the Miss Universe contestants in the swim suit competition on that memorable night. During the show, he made many references to sexuality despite the fact that the references were from a male perspective and the audience seemed to include many women.  It's no wonder he committed such a faux pas. He was clearly distracted by all of the beauty, youth, sexiness, and difference. I honestly think he was overwhelmed by so many beautiful women and with so little chance to experience their novelty. 

I don't think Steve Harvey was the only one overwhelmed by the diverse collection of beautiful, sexy women. He exposed his innermost thoughts when he named Miss Colombia the winner. She must have been his subliminal choice. Whether the media moguls asked him to talk up the sexiness we will never know, but I think he got caught up in the vicarious thrills. If we stop buying the sex, the media moguls wouldn't hype it up, but then there is the brain's desire for novelty.

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