Imagine this. Just when you thought you'd seen and heard it all, Mother Nature sings you a lullaby, whispers a "Once Upon a Time a long while ago" directly into your ear.
That's what happened one evening. I was thinking as I shut the door and walked outside after an argument: "It's one of those, 'Been there, done that, I'm ripping up the t-shirts and I'm not coming back' kind of days." It had been a long day, not only for me. Funny how pride works so well with stupidity.
I had walked past doorways and barking dogs just to sit on the curb, though I would have preferred a stoop. I'll never forget how the stars were there in the background, ready to put on a show, but on this particular evening, they would have been outdone. I stood, mesmerized, listening without hearing, just watching the sunset. Without words to be heard, I understood. Watching until the moon rose high and stars sparkled, I could almost hear the sound of praises being sung, celebrating the beauty of Nature, reminding me that life is precious and fleeting, like this sunset, like a lullaby.
Watching the sky, listening to the sounds of night creatures I realized, tomorrow is not promised, and I needed to just let it go, dismiss whatever pettiness was consuming me, and go with the universal ebb and flow that began once upon a time and has always been there. But I won't always be.

Copyright Emme H. Johnson 2013

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