Sunday, October 13, 2013

10 Questions: Closing the gap between who you are and what you want

10 Questions: Is there a discrepancy between who you are and what you want?

Before all else, when it comes to accomplishing goals, you need to know who you are and you need to anticipate what obstacles you might face. To everything, there is a season but when it comes to accomplishing goals, we always like to say, there is no time like the present, but sometimes, the present moment is actually not the best time, so we have to wait. Every circumstance is different. No one-size-fits all.

Once you do a bit of soul-searching, you are well on our way to accomplishing life-changing goals. Before making plans, make sure this is the best time for you and your family. That way, your best efforts will not be sabotaged, and you will not become discouraged before you ever begin. When it comes to making plans to accomplish an important goal, you might begin with a list of steps such as the following:

1. Determine who you are and what you want to accomplish.

2. Determine what challenges you might face—people, places or things.

3. Determine and make a list of your strengths.

4. Identify and make a list of your weaknesses.

5. Determine and list ways to reinforce each of your weaknesses.

6. Identify key people who might help in your success.

7. Identify best places to find a mentor and find one who complements you.

8. Set short term and long term goals.

9. Create a daily schedule and follow it.

10. Celebrate the little accomplishments.


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