Sunday, January 13, 2013

Nature is perfect, so why aren't we?

Nature is perfect, so why aren't we? On a continual basis, Mother Nature balances herself, so we get natural disasters. Likewise, She balances us. We are part of a perfect system that includes our biological make-up and natural mental processes. Like animals, we are rejuvenated on a daily basis. We cocoon, molt, and shed. For example, in the way our bodies take a life of their own in order to keep us healthy and safe, we remain in a state of constant biological rejuvenation, just like animals, especially birds.

According to Cornell University experts, " birds (and other animals as well) lose what they can't use. Our bodies do the same, but psychologically, we have a difficult time adjusting to change and accepting our circumstances. Of course, the circumstances will change because in reality, life is a flowing, changing process that demands acceptance. If we hold on to things that are meant to be impermanent, we suffer psychological or physical distress.

According to buddhist texts, suffering is caused by holding on to what was meant to be temporary--friends, family, personal possessions, appearance. The list goes on and on. Our body is a perfect ecosystem (I think we can call it that). It takes care of itself by perpetually changing. It balances good and bad bacteria and purifies itself, despite the abuse we inflict upon it. We lose hair, cells, fingernails, and even our memory of painful events. Our brain balances our fears and fantasies but when it cannot keep us safe, it shuts us down through mental disorders like PTSD or depression and forces a psychololgical "time-out."

If we take care of our bodies, our bodies will take care of us. We naturally lose what we can't use in order to manage what we need. Animals understand this, and who knows whether they discuss it or not? For example, birds molt, snakes shed a layer of skin, animals shed their winter coats or hibernate, and butterflies cocoon. Mother Nature is so phenomenal, how can we not embrace a Higher Power, call It what you may? Through our universal sense of balance and perfection, we have the power to heal ourselves of whatever is ailing us.

To highlight my point, the excerpt below was borrowed from Consult the website for a detailed discussion of how birds heal themselves through molting:

"A feather is a "dead" structure, somewhat analogous to hair or nails in humans. The hardness of a feather is caused by the formation of the protein keratin. Since feathers cannot heal themselves when damaged, they have to be completely replaced. The replacement of all or part of the feathers is called a molt. Molts produce feathers that match the age and sex of the bird, and sometimes the season.
Molting occurs in response to a mixture of hormonal changes brought about by seasonal changes. The entire process is complex and many questions remain regarding how the process is controlled. A basic understanding of molting patterns can, however, be a useful aid in identifying many species and in determining their age."

Have you ever sang the words, "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches over me"? How can we not believe in a perfect universe, some way, some how? How can we not have faith that in the most trying times, we are able to heal ourselves? Because life is perpetual change, every new day is a new opportunity to be better, stronger and wiser if we only believe that on some primeval level, we are angels working toward perfection.
(c) M.D. Johnson (2013)

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