Sunday, September 9, 2012

Look Up America, Look Up New York - Post 911 tribute

Look Up America, Look up New York - Post 911 tribute

Surviving a day is how we really live, no matter how far in advance we plan. Every day comes with its own challenges and rewards, and we accomplish goals one day at a time. Each day we live, we are offered choices, opportunities, and chances to start all over again. Sometimes we succeed in making it a good day and sometimes we fail, but we know that tomorrow will be better or at least, we hope so. But sometimes tomorrow never comes, like it didn't for so many on 911, which is why it is important to live our best life today. This includes trying to celebrate the little things, any little thing that makes us smile, or any one who cares for us.

Events like 911 come unexpected, but although 911 is the most blatant and unforgiving type of tragedy, tragedy has been experienced in cities and towns all over our nation in so many ways. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, massacres, acts of terror and other traumatic events affect our level of happiness, but if we overcome obstacles one day at a time, we can slowly learn to overcome trauma and mastermind our own happiness, no matter the circumstances.

The great thing is, we don't need to find happiness for a lifetime, only for one day. But surviving a day is sometimes the most difficult thing we can do because it consists of finding a reason to survive 24 hours, despite feelings of hopelessness. Finding willpower enough to make it through 24 hours can be seen as an heroic act, and any act of heroism is cause for celebration. Celebrating or acknowledging our acts of heroism increases our ability to live a happy life.

After 911, after hurricane Katrina, after floods in the midwest and fires in the west, lives were transformed forever. I thought I lost my daughter on 911 but she had felt ill and didn't go to work. I was relieved, but I suffered PTSD. To help overcome feelings of anxiety and stress, I wrote poetry and short stories, knowing that writing is therapeutic. I also wrote a song/tribute to celebrate the pride of our country. You can sample or download, "Look Up America! Look Up New York!" at 
(c) M.D. Johnson (2012)

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