Monday, September 17, 2012

Clutter doesn't have to wear you down & out.

If clutter's got you down, here are some excellent suggestions. The following list of things that keep you uncluttered was found at the website: written by Tim, from Manchester.
1. Put important things like keys and cell phones in the Same Place Every Day.
2. Hang everything up according to some organized scheme--season, colors, occasion, etc.
3. Create a special place fore EVERYTHING and keep everything in its place.
4. Clean out your inbox and label stuff according to file/discard/action/follow-up/recycle/shred or similar.
5. Make organization of your workplace a priority.
6. Have a miscellaneous file for things that you want to keep for no apparent reason.
7. Open all mail over the recycle bin
8. Create a file specifically for papers that need to be shredded.
9. Take electronics or other non-biodegradable items to government recycling facilities.
10. Keep a clean car in case you have to transport someone important.

Uncluttering and organizing your life takes a little motivation and a little planning. If you have a hard time throwing away things you don’t need, you might have a problem with clutter now or in the future. Learn to prioritize what you need and be willing to let go of the things you never use. An uncluttered workplace frees your mind for completing other tasks. Also, your life will be much less hectic if you do.

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