Thursday, May 3, 2012

Have Faith.

Have faith. This is what most of us have been told, but what is FAITH? Everyone talks about it, but do we really know what it means to have faith. And no matter how hard we try, faith is sometimes not so easy to find. This word has many definitions, and it can even be a name, but I like the the following definition provided by 1. strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence." According to this definition, faith is not based on logic or knowledge. Instead, it comes from within. But how does someone find faith? I am a believer in karmic footprints, reaping what we sow, and repaying debts that we owe. I don't really believe in divine forgiveness, so there is no need to have faith in being forgiven. Instead, I must have faith that I will do the right things so that I'll become an enlightened soul worthy enough for heaven. Because of this belief system, I try to do and be the best that I can at any moment in time. For me, living on faith means that things have a way of working out, but I'm also quick to doubt this. I become stressed when I think the ends won't meet, or when there's a banking error. I worry about the future and whether I'll be unhappy or bored when I'm old. Then I am somehow reminded to have faith in knowing that everything will be alright. Just the other day, I witnessed the power of blind faith when a quiet, still voice came from within, saying: "You will have everything you need. Always. You just need to strengthen your faith." I realized the message came to me, but not from me. Do you believe that you will always have everything you need when you need it? If you heard that still, small voice would you believe it and rest assured that everything will be alright? Or would you dismiss it and continue worrying? If you believed in that still, small voice within you, you wouldn't worry when the going gets rough. You'd know that everything you need will be there for you when you need it, and sometimes, not a moment before. FAITH is blind trust that everything will be okay. Usually, I'm challenged when it comes to having faith, but what happened at the airport before I left for Europe the other day was a perfect example of faith. I was confronted with a problem that I had no power to solve. I had to have faith, and I did. My two-week vacation almost got cancelled because my passport required three extra months of validation after my return to the U.S.A. Instead, my passport had only two months of validation left after my return to the U.S. I was stopped at the airport, told I couldn't make the flight and there was nothing to be done. Options were to buy a new ticket (cost of $2,000) after my passport was updated in Atlanta or cancel the trip. Out of nowhere, a woman appeared, said she could help, and found a way to redirect my flight through Atlanta where my passport could be renewed and expedited on that very same day. She booked me a later flight out that night. The passport was updated, I caught the later flight, and I enjoyed two weeks with my son in Europe. Funny thing. Had I taken my original, earlier ride to the airport, I would have missed that angel who helped me out--she had just returned from a break. No one else knew how to help, except to cancel the flight, which meant cancelling another side trip I had planned (without Cancellation Insurance--not smart, I know). When I saw that Angel, Andrea, I knew she would fix the problem, and she did. That was blind faith. Not only did my trip get saved by an angel, my credit cards worked at the right times (but not all of the times) while I was overseas. Later that evening, the still small voice had said, "You will have everything you need. Always. You need to strengthen your faith." I'm challenged when it comes to faith, but from now on, I'll try to remember what I was told by that inner spiritual voice, no matter how close I get to possible disaster. That's my personal motto from now on: Have Faith.

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