Monday, November 2, 2015

Negative thinking can develop a life of its own, so don't let it boss you around.

Because there is a strong interest in what is called, "positive psychology," people don't want to hear about someones negative thoughts, especially if they last more than a moment or two, but if you're thinking negative thoughts on a daily basis, something is amiss, so keep track of how many times negative thoughts are controlling how you feel. A record of these thoughts might prove useful if you need to see your family doctor or if you are referred to a mental health professional. By all means, take control of your negative thoughts; don't let them boss you around!

Negative thinking is what our brain does naturally in order to keep us aware of possible danger, but it doesn't need to control our mood or our behavior. At the same time, negative thoughts don't need to be hidden or concealed. When we deny our negative thoughts, we are suppressing our emotions, and one way or another, emotions will be expressed--in constructive or in destructive ways.

As a society, we are most focused on happiness, often expecting but never planning for unhappiness, never planning how to overcome a setback, or never expecting to lose, but when it happens and we lose something, many of us find it hard to adjust. Some of us fall into patterns of self-sabotage or self-pity, crying the blues and lamenting, "Poor little old me," when at some point, we made an incorrect assessment about ourselves or about someone else and to some extent are partly to blame for the loss. 

Reflecting on what happened is not a bad thing.  If you want to take a moment and relive the misery so as to process its impact on your reality, on your life, or on your negative behavior, you do so at your own risk. Negative thinking is normal (at least for a moment or two), but incessant negative thoughts create more negative thoughts if allowed to persist for too long.  Ruminating over negative circumstances or unfortunate outcomes is an exercise in futility, but this is the way negative thinking lives, grows, and wreaks havoc.

If you experience negative thinking daily for two weeks or more, it might be time to consult your family doctor or a mental health professional.  Not every mental process is a major problem, especially if you catch it in time. However, you are the guardian of your emotional state, so if you see something, say something to someone who has the ability to help. Take control of your emotions, and don't let negative thinking boss you around!

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