To everything, there is a season and this seems to be our season for mourning--not that the world is coming to an end according to the Mayan calendar but because our lives are out of balance and the universal order of things insists on balance. Our life cycle is a balance of joy and pain, ebb and flow. In the end, life is balanced, despite horrific acts like what happened in Newtown, CT.
Our society is sadly out of balance--top 1% versus the 47 percent; top companies robbing the rest of us blind; Congress more interested in reelection than the jobs they were hired to do; violence permeating our society (4 mass murders, not to mention the murders on the street or around drugs along with TV violence and violence played out by millions every day via video games)--need I say more?
Like the mass murders that came before, what happened in Newtown, CT is a reflection of what we have become. Our country is in a state of crisis, and yet, our society fails to acknowledge it and do something about it. How many families must grieve the loss of innocent victims before we say, enough is enough? Our karmic and ecologic footprints will soon lead us to an eve of destruction, not because of ancient calendars but because of our own wrong doing and lack of concern for the world in which we live. To everything, there is a season, and this is a very dark season for us. But it's not the end of the world. It can be a wake-up call to all of us.
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