Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Friendship happens over time but when it happens, it's hard to destroy.

For many of us, it's hard to depend on others because on some level, we fear they might let us down. This is negative thinking that stops us from fulfilling a basic need--the need for love and validation from family and friends. With family, we take what we get and make the most of it. But friends are different. Friends give us love and they validate us on some level. Friends don't hate, don't judge or condemn, and don't give up on us. Friendship happens over time, but when it happens, it's hard to destroy.  If trouble comes between friends, it's worth working on and working out.  Some of us need friendship more than others and some of us need a variety of friends, which is why friendship can exist on many levels, but we all need to know there is someone who thinks of us, cares what happens to us, and believes in us. If you think about it, friendship makes our world a nicer place in which to live. The article that follows caught my attention for so many reasons. I hope you like it, too.

Article: The Promise of Friendship | The Responsibility Project by Liberty Mutual

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