Sunday, April 15, 2012


My mother, Ms. Essie, said, "You have to take the bitter with the sweet." She was right, but what she says is not easy. I watch junk on TV--and then, not so much. But I make it a point to watch National Geographic, mainly because I think animals have something to teach. I'm a groaner, given half a chance, but animals don't do such pitiful things. They wake up in the morning or at night, whenever, with specific goals--to find food for their young, to find a mate, or to move along to better hunting grounds. They understand what must be done and they do it without complaint. We all have so much to learn from such majestic creatures. This song, "BitterSweet" by BigHeadTodd&TheMonsters is dedicated to everyone who ever thought life should be this/not that because it's both, and it's up to us to find value in our experiences--all of them.

When my mother said, "It takes the bitter and the sweet to make a life complete," she meant that all days won't be good days, but it takes the bad days for us to appreciate the good little things in life. I try to remind myself that life is bittersweet, and it's an acquired taste, especially since everything we hear or read is about being positive 24/7--forgetaboutit!!! Who can be positive 24/7? Who wants to? I like knowing that life is bittersweet, a bit of sweet honey & a bit of sour grapes. Knowing that life is meant to be a bit of both positives and negatives allows me to experience the experience of being in my skin and in the spot I'm in day to day. Ms. Essie, my momma experienced the bittersweet, and she ended up having a very fulfilling life. Check her out if you want at

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