Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The good within you is far greater than the negativity overtaking your mind.

When I feel emotionally overwrought, I take time to focus on me, determine where I stand, decide where I want to go and how fast. I also discover what I'm inclined to NOT do well, like absorbing too much negative energy from destructive people or holding too much negative energy within. Negative energy can come from within ourselves or from negative others. If we absorb too much of this, it can create setbacks, depression, and physical illness. Our greatest task in staying happy and healthy is to recognize negative energy caused by others and separate it from negative energy created within.

We all face challenges because in order to grow spiritually, we must learn to overcome obstacles which enable us to build emotional and spiritual strength so as to live our best lives. We have attitudes, preferences, and inclinations that can set us back, so it's important to detect negative feelings and make changes in the way we think as soon as we feel the energy drain. Ask, WHICH emotion am I feeling and why? Once identified, each negative emotion can be refuted or clarified and replaced with positive thoughts that lead to a positive emotion.

Negative others can pass on negative feelings that cause you to abandon your dreams. Their energy is heavy, negative, and diminishing. The culprits lurk in corners of your life waiting for vulnerable moments when they can force a reaction and diminish your spiritual strength. They don't even need to be in your presence to cause negative emotions within you. So if you are suddenly gripped by anxiety or slowly plagued by negative thinking about you or your life circumstances, determine if the negative thoughts are created by you or by someone else. If you didn't create them, then you probably are feeling  energy from some negative individual in your life--family, friend or foe. 

Find strength in knowing who you are, and take control of your thoughts and emotions. The good within you is far greater than the negativity overtaking your mind. Pinpoint the thoughts and discover their source. If they are coming from within you, stop them by replacing them. If coming from negative others, stop them by repeating to yourself words like, "Get away from me, NOW!" Stand strong and in your mind, dismiss the negative thoughts by telling negative others to GO AWAY. Repeat a few times and before you realize it, their negative energy vanishes because actually, they are cowards who thrive on weak spiritual energy.

When you are thinking your best thoughts and feeling good about who you are, no one is stronger than you, and when I am doing the same, no one is better than me. By staying emotionally aware and assertive in the way we handle negative others, we build confidence and courage to take control of our thoughts and feelings and we become masters of our emotions, relationships, and lives.

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