Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Don't rely on anyone to do something you can't also do for yourself in a pinch. Plan A and Plan B work together and you are the responsible party, always.

Don't blindly "trust the process" because as long as the process is formulated by people, there is room for error and when an error is made, nobody stands up to take responsibility. In fact, people will find a way to blame you for any failures in communication or functionality. And they would be right. So when you make a Plan A, make sure to include a backup Plan B that centers around who you are. Your job is always to trust your intuition and abilities because that's what you will be relying on, ultimately.

So for your own assurance,  question "the process" or the way things generally work, and the people behind it. Trust your intuition and abilities and have a strategy for overcoming a setback or abandoning your Plan A altogether. You are responsible for your clarity of vision, and success depends on you. How you manage your life so that success is inevitable depends on how much faith you have in your intuitive qualities and in your abilities to get the job done, even if you have to do it yourself.

If you have a vision and a clarity of purpose, and if you are willing to do what it takes to succeed, you are a strong contender in life. However, not everyone will want to reckon with you as a competitor, so many will secretly find ways to sabotage your project, undermine your credibility, or cause you to lose faith. To avoid any of this, rely on your intuition to help you weed out the culprits. Then invite only people who support your mission and efforts to make a difference. 

Every primary plan, Plan A should include having a plan B. Plan B is the plan that is based on your beliefs, your strengths, and your abilities. It is the plan that centers around who you are, what you know how to do, and what you want to accomplish. You'll need a network of support, but only a network that believes in your mission and is willing to help you achieve it.

Stay true to yourself and rely on your intuition and abilities.The ultimate truth will be revealed if you listen to your thoughts and feelings well enough. Trusting the "process" is only as good as the people who formulated it, so trust yourself, more than anything. Don't rely on anyone to do something you can't also do for yourself in a pinch. Plan A and Plan B work together and you are the responsible party, always.

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