Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blogging on knowing the effects of emotional trauma & taking immediate action to diminish its effects.

My Introduction:

Hello, my name is Emme. This blog is dedicated to addressing the effects of emotional trauma. Please feel free to respond or offer ideas and suggestions, as this blog is a work in progress. So many have lost their lives after suffering PTSD or depression following a traumatic event. But because symptoms often go unrecognized,  friends and family have been shocked and overcome with guilt and grief when somebody decided to take a life, often their own. Knowing the effects of emotional trauma  is the first step in providing support to those suffering its effects. This blog is dedicated to offering group and individualized support to those who experienced emotional trauma and who wish to share experiences with others.

My Qualifications:

I've been a teacher, instructor, community planner, and more. When I'm not writing, I develop workshops on writing and emotional intelligence. I have had friends and family who suffered PTSD and depression, and I have overcome PTSD triggered by an extremely tragic event. Through years of research and  training, I have come to understand what it means to have an invisible emotional dysfunction, such as PTSD or depression which others cannot see or comprehend. After the death of friends--one who killed a son and one who committed suicide, I started to write about how to survive. After years of research, I have  learned why some succumb to the effects of trauma and others do not.

My Definition:

Emotional or psychological trauma is best defined as the effect of stress that overwhelms a person’s ability to process emotions. It can be caused by natural disasters, death or sudden loss, acts of terror,  fatal accidents or any event that overwhelms the emotional system.

Unacknowledged or untreated, emotional trauma can lead to physical symptoms like shattered nerves and irritability; disturbed sleep and eating routines;  sexual dysfunction; or unexplained physical pain. Emotional or psychological trauma creates feelings of vulnerability, helplessness, and fear of  further loss. If untreated, it can lead to anxiety disorders, PTSD and depression. It can also lead to suicide.

My Mission:

This blog is created to offer information and support  to sufferers of trauma, PTSD, and depression by sharing ideas, personal  experiences,  and best practices  online, through confidential email or through private telephone conversations, by request.

My  goal is to highlight and  emphasize the need for intervention after traumatic or catastrophic events, expose the symptoms of PTSD and depression, and help de-stigmatize these emotional disorders.  People react differently to trauma and need different types of intervention, but far too many feel guilty, ashamed, and damaged by something that was not their fault. Symptoms of an emotional disorder can be hidden or invisible, and when friends and family don't understand,  feelings of inadequacy, guilt or shame are intensified.

My Purpose:

My purpose is to build an online community of support among survivors  of PTSD and depression, offer strategies  for building emotional resilience,  and share tips for purposeful living.

My Focus and Target Audience:

This blog invites individuals who wish to help others overcome the effects of emotional trauma by sharing ideas and experiences and lending emotional support. I will be offering information and self-help solutions, such as activities in journaling, creative writing, building emotional intelligence, and living 24 hours at a time. I hope this blog provides a safe and supportive environment  for those who need to know that they are not alone and someone understands. "It takes a village," especially when it comes to overcoming the effects of emotional trauma. If you think you can help, we need you here. Join me in building a community of support.

Note: This blog is for informational purposes and networking. It is supported by research and training on emotional trauma, PTSD, depression, and emotional intelligence. It uses information on best practices and utilizes learning based on education and personal experience. This blog  is not a substitute for evaluation and treatment by a licensed mental health practitioner. It does not make medical referrals or offer medical advice. Instead, this blog exists for education and building a community of shared support.

My Quotable:
(Excerpted from Max Erhmann’s, “Desiderata”)

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
My Thought for Today: 
(Inspired by Max Erhmann’s, “Desiderata” )

“I am a child of the universe, no less than the birds and the stars, always learning and reaching to overcome obstacles, strengthen self-worth and live a purposeful life.”

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