Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Express yourself;  it’s not  an  option.

We are emotional beings, so it is important to find ways to release emotional energy. Self-expression is an attempt to clarify or share emotions and feelings. It allows us to release emotional energy so that we have the emotional capacity for problem-solving, compassion, and love. Self-expression can be achieved in many ways.

Ten easy ways to express emotions are:

1. Talking and sharing
2. Writing and reflecting
3. Complaining
4. Singing and songwriting
5. Listening and moving to music
6. Cooking and entertaining
7. Drawing and painting
8. Driving and admiring the landscape
9. Dancing
10. Shopping

People who stifle their feelings and emotions get stuffed up. People who get stuffed up, eventually get “stuck.” When we suppress our feelings and emotions, we fail to connect with our emotional state of mind. We interrupt the normal flow of thoughts. As a result, we can become disconnected from ourselves and others. This leaves us vulnerable to emotional disorders that affect our ability to cope with day-to-day living and decision-making. Traumatic events like witnessing a tragedy and natural disasters can cause us to become emotionally overwhelmed. Without self-expression, this can lead to PTSD or depression. We are emotional beings and it’s important to have an outlet for expressing emotions.

However we choose to release emotional energy, it’s important to remember that expressing emotions is not an option. Willingly or involuntarily, emotions will be expressed. Unexpressed emotions will eventually rise to the surface causing us react positively or negatively. We either express emotions and feelings in positive or creative ways, “act out” or “act in.” When we “act out,” unexpressed emotions can cause us to take dangerous risks due to stress of holding emotions in. We might drive recklessly or indulge in reckless or dangerous activities. When we “act in,” emotions are kept in. We might keep silent while raging inside. This can lead to physical and emotional illnesses.

Any act of releasing emotions leads to a happier, healthier life. When you feel stuck in a negative place, using the list above, you can find your balance and pull yourself from an emotional state of “stuck.” Try each of the behaviors on the list and see what works best for you.