I'm a writer who sometimes procrastinates, but sometimes, it's not what it seems. I'm often working on a strategy to a writing project, redesigning a poem or taking a break so as to reconstruct or deconstruct it all, but in my eyes, it's part of the job. Then again, I wonder if I'm simply just procrastinating.
There are several types of procrastinators and different ways to procrastinate, so how do you know? To answer the question, I consulted a few sources, but I like the following response I excerpted from www.mindtools.com:
How to Overcome Procrastination
Follow these steps to deal with and control procrastination:
Step 1: Recognize That You're Procrastinating
If you're honest with yourself, you probably know when you're procrastinating. But to be sure, take our Are You a Procrastinator? self test.
Here are some useful indicators that will help you know when you’re procrastinating:
- Filling your day with low priority tasks from your To Do List.
- Reading e-mails several times without starting work on them or deciding what you’re going to do with them.
- Sitting down to start a high-priority task, and almost immediately going off to make a cup of coffee.
- Leaving an item on your To Do list for a long time, even though you know it's important.
- Regularly saying "Yes" to unimportant tasks that others ask you to do, and filling your time with these instead of getting on with the important tasks already on your list.
- Waiting for the “right mood” or the “right time” to tackle the important task at hand.
Am I a procrastinator? My answer to the question is, yes and no. What I do about it depends on whether I like the way I flow or if I want to change anything. But at least, I know. What about you? Are you a procrastinator? If you'd like to change anything, "Knowing is half the battle." (G.I. Joe)